Now that you have your expenses listed and your priorities straight, you have to take action. This is the hardest part, I agree. But, as you may already know, this is what you need to succeed in controlling your expenses. Stick to the plan. Pay number 1 before going to number 2. Pay number 5 before going to number 6. If you don't have enough to pay the things that are on the bottom of your list, that's fine. Save it for the next pay day. What is important is that the ones on the top of your list are settled. Remember, they are at the top for a reason.
There are a few destination caches I want to go for, Sword in the Stone, Pipedream and some others. We're also planning a short bike outing to get all the Wall Trail caches. I hope to plan a bigger geocaching trip this summer but nothing is set yet.
This might seem a bit far fetched to you especially if you are in the middle of some traumatic event right now. I can make some promises to you: Just write down what is happening. Don't try to filter anything out. Let is sit there for a while, then add the next traumas. Let sit there for a while too. When you go back and re-read what you wrote, your emotions will have dwindled.
So there you have my top seven ideas on how to get creatively vlogging. And one other thing to bare in mind, that when you do your vlogs try not to be right, or do it right, because you'll just end up being boring. So don't look for perfection, just do your thing and accept that it wont be perfect.
Another tough one, having to pick just one. I recently attended the MNGCA Spring event in Duluth which was my first annual event. It was a lot of fun, getting to see people I have gotten to know over the last year, and meeting a number of new geo-friends.
We were greeted at the door by our host dressed as Mark Twain and our hostess suitably attired as the statue of liberty. Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens who was an American author who wrote the classic 'The adventures of Huckleberry Finn'. Huckleberry Finn is the tale of a boy called Huck set on the Mississippi. It's a tale of the adventures of a young boy learning about life's lessons.
The only query now is, "What will you DO with the information?" Certain, I concur there's extra to it than a few or 4 ways, but it's a good commence and I can help you with the rest.